Funeral Etiquette

It can be uncomfortable attending a funeral. No one wants to be there. You wish the person you are paying respects too was still with us, but sadly, that is not the case and here you are at their funeral.

Here’s a couple of tips…

Seating- Always allow the family to be seated first and anyone else that is close to them. Priority to the elderly and anyone that requires a seat clearly more than you is respectful.

Children- Little people need to say goodbye too and of course their presence at a funeral is always welcomed. If they do become distressed it can be beneficial to utilise the ‘quiet room’. These are available at most Cemetery chapels and the funeral staff can point you in the right direction. You can still see and here the service from these rooms.

Listen to the directions of the Celebrant- There is often a time of reflection during a Funeral service. This is when you are invited to come forward and place a tribute atop of the coffin which most commonly is rosemary. Some celebrants will specifically ask you not to approach the family during this time and to give them their space. A request that has been made by the family. Unless they reach out to you, please return to your seat. There is opportunity to see the family after the service.

Talking during the Service- It can be considered disrespected to the family as their loved one is being honoured to chat. Services are often recorded and pick up all noise. Please be mindful.

If you aren’t sure about something, just ask. The Funeral staff are happy to guide you and offer support. We care about our mourners too.

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